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August 10, 2009

Young Voices Writers Conference - Registration Starts August 10!!!

Express yourself: Work with professional writers on your creative writing endeavours, meet other youth who like to write, show your stuff at an open mic & get published in an instant anthology.

To register or for more information, please call 416-395-5784 or visit torontopubliclibrary.ca/yvconference

Date: Saturday, October 17, 2009
Time: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Where: North York Central Library, 5120 Yonge Street (North York Centre Subway)


wow, this is a great opportunity...
but, i haven't fifnished writing my book, yet :'(
and, the library is not within my area :(
sorry, no complains!

Wow another program (yay!)October 17 seems so far away.. i think i might be able to come it for sure going to be fun to work with professional writers. I might write a poem or draw art.. something i feel that will express my feelings about a book i`ve read. So i am going to think about it but i`m going to go for sure even though it`s but i`m going to try and come to the North York Central!

Hamdi, if you're interested, you will need to register as space is limited.

This event sounds both educational and fun. Too bad the location is so far away from where I live :(

Why do these things have to be so far away?

Why do these things have to be so far away?

aww, i really wanna join, but, i cant go anywhere, this summer... :'(
will there be more writer's workshops next summer??? i think i can make it, then... :)

and, i think i'll be done writing my book, by then!!!

Edward, we try to promote big events ahead of time so that there is enough time for different youth to find out about it. :)


Hey Tasfia, I just read the post. The conference is actually happening in October!!! Not this summer.

So you can totally check this out!! I am gonna register soon!

Wow! Can't wait 4 dis I am so coming!

wanna join, but it's too far from my ranch and plus im busy on that day so cant :(

I know its too far:(

Yay! the Writer's Conference!!! I went here last year, and it was pretty cool. There was an open mic too, for anyone who wanted to share their talent, which was a lot! Hope to see some of you guys there! Its totally worth going, even though its kinda far for me too. Many helpful tips for us aspriring writers.

Oooh, this sounds like such a good idea, meeting with proffesional writers. It would be neat to share ideas with them and get their feedback...are these proffesionals known authors?

Lola, they are not all authors. Please check this link for all the details of the professionals:


Cheers! :D

I've always liked to sketch. This magazine would be a great oppertunity to show them. :)


This is such a great opportunity.

I really wanna go 4 this thing, but I havn't yet finished my book :(
Would they take short stories?

Hm...I wonder if there are professional artists too...too bad I know I'll be busy that day T__T

Jasdeep, for the instant anthology, once you are registered for the conference, you are entitled to submit one page of your work.

So if your short story is one page, then yes, we will accept it.

Thanks. :)

Elsa, thanks for the link. I checked it and saw the people that were going to be there, and there were a lot more than I thought. And they all range, from artists to musicians, authors, journalists, and even a 23-year old activist. That's pretty neat.

Scratch that, she's a 23-year-old feminist.

it's kind of far from where i live, but i'll definitely try and come out (if i get registered) - can't miss an opportunity like this :)

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