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August 28, 2009

Help Plan Word Out! 2010

Hey Word Out-ers,

The Toronto Public Library staff responsible for Word Out this year are already planning for next year, and your feedback is important to us.

If you could find the time to take the end of summer youth survey it would help us out in our planning for next year.

Update: End of summer survey is now finished.  Thanks to all who gave feedback!

Alan H. is a web librarian at TPL.  He would like to see a movie about eating beans starring George Wendt.  If a teen gets that reference it will help him not feel quite so old.


Hope our feedback helps :D

It's great to get members involved in the planning stages! I look forward to entering the program next summer. I'll send in my feedback and complete the survey.

The Word Out! Team did a terrific job this year!


Do you think we can get ARCs next year at offline Word Out! programs? That would be a nice free giveaway to attract people to events!



Do you think we can get ARCs next year at offline Word Out! programs? That would be a nice free giveaway to attract people to events!


@Andrew: Advanced Reader's Copies, you mean?

@ Alan H. - Yes, I do mean advanced reader's copies! Do you know of ways to get some via the library or another source?

@Andrew: I think there may be some issues about the publisher's requirements for ARCs around using them as prizes. I'll ask a colleague in the collections department who should have a better answer.

same as Lola, hope we help make word out! even better

@ Alan H. Watch the "Cheers" episode where Wendt eats beans (although i still dont get why you'd want to see it )

or there's Rupert's Land

I think it was good this year and it should stay the same

Mabye make the website less confusing lol :S

The program was great and the ideas was a realy cool idea for recommnding books for us and commenting on the books was awesome knowing that questions will be answered and people that go to the library have the same taste in books as you so my boring summer got transformed into a book-full-of-fun summer! So i am for sure taking the survery to help make this one program as fun as nexy years (which i am going to join...duh!)

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