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August 07, 2009

Graphic Novel of the Week for August 3: Burnout

Book cover

Burnout by Rebecca Donner

Burnout asks some specific questions, and some big ones:

What would you do if your family moved from Toronto to a remote rural community? Are you brave enough to stand up for what you believe, even if it's unpopular, and possibly illegal? How far would you go to save your little piece of the world?

What would you do if you had to share a bedroom with your mysterious new sort-of stepbrother?

How far should you go for love?

As a librarian, I'm supposed to help you find answers to questions. This time, you're on your own.

Brian has been pondering that last question for a while now, so he's taking a break from books and philosophical dilemmas by going to see some of the world's greatest soccer players tomorrow night at BMO Field. Whoo-hoo!


WOW, first to comment again!!! :D
this sounds like an awesome book!!! with lots of "questions" and problems!!!

i'll try it! ;)

Love the title and the cover of the book. It seems entertainig....i want to read it...!!!!

I saw this book on the bookmark and i was like i totally got to read it.

Very interesting book! I think many people could relate to the characters.

This sounds really interesting! I'm going to put this on hold for sure. The cover is really interesting !

Defiantely something i would want to read

Actually i think i'll put a hold on this, what the heck i might like it more than i thought

And those are some deep questions, for a fact i know there are many teens today facing those types of questions and also have to figure out a way to answer them for themselves. so this seems like a great book to relate too for them

Well i'm excitited 'cause i've already put this book on hold, and i'm now just waiting for it to come, can't wait to see how the story turns out

Wow this book looks awesome, i for sure have to take time to read this. semms very cool

And i'm already liking the plot of the story so far seems quite intresting to say the least

Just wonder how long is the book, 'cause i usually like reading long novels. just like the longetivity of it

Pickford:lol hey that's pretty cool, i like reading long books too.

Burnout was okay. I was expecting a better ending, but ehh.

My fav characters were Vivian and Ruff.

@Pickford: Burnout isn't long, maybe 1-2 hours of reading?

"Burnout" sounds like a book that has a lot of common problems that other people and most people can realte to! I can't relate to any of those problems but alot of my friends like moving, and sharing a room with a weird or "mysterious" step-sibling.I also think its funny in a way that the librarian, Brian wrote "As a librarian, I'm supposed to help you find answers to questions. This time, you're on your own." Because i think he means that this book will answer your questions and it's your choose to read it! I also have the bookmark for this book and i know what the secret title is! Does anyone know where to write or enter if you know what the secret title is? :D! Happy Reading Readers!!

Paranoid Park is an amazing book by Blake Nelson.Blake Nelson is one of my favourite authors. He writes good books.
I just finised readin paraniod park. Its about skating and what a boy does when every one blames a murder case on him. But did he kill some one?
If you're a teen who loves mystry book......then you'll love this one. Its simply so good. I finished it in one day, i couldn't put it down.

Right now I am in the middle of a book called 'Brutal' and it is tres intrestin.

Right now i'm just trying to finsish up Jerk. and it's so engorssing i can't seem to put it down even when i get pissed off at it

lol strange the only books i don't get pissed off at are the really good on, hopefully this will be a good book too that i won't get pissed of at

This book has a great story and i can't wait for the chance to read it

I put a hold on it awhile ago, but i'm still waiting for it, so don't know when i'll get a chance to get it

Wow this is defintetly a book i would pick up and its a great cover!

Sounds like a book I might like.

The cover is also so artistic, get's you motivated to draw some as well

Ya that is so true, when i first saw this cover i was like holy moly that cool, and then i started doodling lol. so pretty cool cover

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