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August 17, 2009

Sixth Week's Prizes Drawn

Check your email--we've drawn the prize winners for the August 10 - August 16 period and sent emails to the winners (including the winners of the books from the thread on Mitochrondial Curiousities).

Congratulations to the winners!  One more week of normal prize draws and then the grand prize draw in the last week (and some more chances to win random books as well).


I feel that everyone in Word Out!2009 should be able to particapate in this party espically people who have commented because people who are registared and don't comment have the same chances as everyone inculding people who spend alot of there time and busy life to comment on books! I think you should choose the top 10 people who commented the most and then draw it because there is going to be like 300 or more people who commented and then someone random is going to win maybe someone who regisrtered and only commented once or none.

i enjoy commenting it really fun and i can see the members of Word Out!2009 thoughts about the book thats recommded and i read a few of the books that they recommded! Its really cool once you get comfortable with it and ask questions and the staff is organizing events for us and taking there time off for us to encourage us to read more and have fun! The prizes are cool, but the books and commenting are cooler! I can't belive that we have one week left or so i am really excited for school but i'm probably going to go on the computer and the libray website and forget that Word Out! 2009 ended! Congrats on the winners for last week :D Happy reading

I want to win the random books!!


@Lola: We'll definitely take this feedback into consideration when thinking about next year, but the rules about the prizes aren't going be changed for this year close to the end of the program (for what I think are obvious reasons).

Congratulations on who one the Sixth Week's Prizes that were drawn!! Keep on reading!!

Oh now, WordOut's going to be over in 2 weeks. I've had a lot of fun reading and discussing books with other readers. Thanks for this opportunity!

I agree with Lola about committing to win prizes
Congratulations on who one the Sixth Week's Prizes that were drawn!!

Hey, I would just like to take this chance and acknowledge that there are now 2 Lolas in this program. Me, and the Lola that posted the first comment (because I didn't). So yea, just thought I should point that out :D

Congrats to the winners :)

Great attitude! I totally agree :)


Congrats to those who won!

congrats too all teh winners !!!

The summer's really gone by... I can't believe we only have a couple weeks left until school. I won'thave time to read so much anymore!

Congratulations to the winners!!!

I think we should all win something. We all love reading, we should all win. But that is just a suggestion for next year.

hey, this is irrelevant, but... about the wordout bookmarks, u know how it has the picture, and summary of a fiction of the week on it??? ya, i was wondering if someone had ever seen "Wake"-by Lisa McMann on it... i REALLY want that bookmark!!!!!!!! is it one of the 8 bookmarks??????????
please, can anyone tell me whether u have seen a "Wake" bookmark???????????????????

@Tasfia: "Wake" was not one of the titles on the eight bookmarks created this year. Sorry!

congratulations to the winners!

Congratsss!!! only 2 week left :O

Yay!! I won a gift certificate! I don't know what's it's for yet, though. Congratulations to the other winners, and good luck to everyobody else!

Congratulations to the winners!!

I won a gift certificate too!!!
And it's soooo cool, it's for cineplex odeon movies, and it's worth 25$ that's sooo cool!!!

Congrats Lucy and Lubna!Happy Reading!


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