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August 21, 2009

Fiction of the Week for August 17: Jerk, California

Cover of Jerk, California

Jerk, California by Jonathan Friesen

I run for a number of reasons: fitness, health, the fresh air in High Park and beside the lake. It also helps to clear my mind, and to put focus in my life. Sam Carrier also runs for a variety of reasons: to avoid his abusive stepfather, to manage his anger, but most of all he does it to feel like he's in control of his body. Why? You'd probably do something similar if you were called Twitch, Freak, or Jerk by most of your peers.

And then one day he happens to meet his dream girl Naomi. Or is she? So, in the fine tradition of a good road trip story, after finishing high school he goes on an adventure to uncover the mystery of his absent father. And to discover more about himself, of course, that's a given. Anyways, I'm always a sucker for road trips, and although this one meanders a bit, that's half the charm.

See the book trailer @ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-U6R990YiU 

Brian also bicycles to work at Oakwood Village Library & Arts Centre. That hill at Davenport is a killer.


I read the book and the beginning was so sad but when I continued to read the book I got more and more interesting. I love how Sam controlled himself when the going got tough and I enjoyed his road trip adventure even more. I'd recommend this book to anyone who wants to read it.

lol, i have this book on my bookmark....
it sounds reaaally gooood!!!!

I'll read it. Thanks.

i'll try to read it

Im a runner too. This book sounds really interesting.

Anyone who runs, AND plays soccer, AND reads, AND is on Word Out! is OK by me. Welcome to the club, David.

this book sonds realy awsome i have to read it

Yeah.Soccer,running and books are the best things in life. I like all sports though but those are the ones Im best at.

Sounds Really Cool!!!
Really WANt to read this =)

This book trailer looks exciting!

I finished reading this book awhile ago. When I got it out, before I even cracked the cover it was my favorite book. Why? Because it's orange! As I read this book I became entranced by the charecters and the story. I loved this book and it was one of the best I read all summer!

I would love to read it... i read a little paragraph about it on one of the bookmarks u get from the library...it was on one of them...i am already really excited to read it because of the description....

i've also noticed lots of featured books on the bookmarks, but there aren't many bookmarks left at the branches I've visited so I have to copy the titles down. Plus ppl put holds on the books or check them out and stuff.

I still got some bookmarks here at North York Central Library. Hope it's not too far for you to travel to. Here is a link with directions:



i havent read this book yet. but i want to
it sounds real interesting. i mean not being able to control your body. i read my sisters keeper nd it was also about people who couldnt control their bodies. but anna, coudlnt control her body in a different way. her sister kate is sick with cancer nd anna was gentically born to save her sisteres life. she was always donating stuff to kate nd then she got tired of it. she hires a lawyer nd sues her parents for the rights of her body. the lawyer onlky agrees to help because he has a problem which means he cant control his body's actions either. it has a twisted nd ironic ending tht i loved!
totally recommend it

I like the Youtube link thats with the explanation of the book. I've put this book on hold i can't wait to get it.

cool book, I should check it out

this was an awesome book. i liked how the story developed and the ending

THis sounds like such a good book. Aw, I hope him and Naomi fall in love, it's be sooo sweet. I'm a hopeless romantic, so....but that's not really realistic, is it? Nah, Naomi will probably turn out to be someone completely different from who he thought she was (at least that's what I'm led to belive by the following statement "Or is she?"). Either way, I am definetly reading this book!

I read this book....its just toooooo good.

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