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July 10, 2009

Spaced Out @ The Merril Collection

Merril In conjunction with the Chandra X-Ray Observatory, the Merril Collection is presenting several space-themed events next weekend (Friday July 17 and Saturday July 18).  These programs will be of interest to adults and teens with an interest in space, astronomy and/or science fiction.

Visit the Merril Collection's events page for full details and times.

The Merril Collection is one of the most significant research collections of science fiction and fantasy in the world, and is located on the third floor of the Lillian H. Smith library.

Please call the Merril Collection at 416-393-7748 to register for events or for more information.


OMG I enjoy learning about Space!!

Sounds interesting! I might actually go!

Though i don't have a personal interest in astronomy, i ahve a close freind wholl definately love this. so i can wait to tell him what a wonderful program

This event seems like a great opportunity to learn more about space and planets!.....I am definitely going to be there because I always wonder what's in space.....Is it just a blank black hole or is there something more to it than that?......I also wonder if there is any life out in space other than earth....and if so what kinds of species are they?........my curiosity level is really high so I hope by going to this event I will add a little bit more about space in my knowledge!!!!

I have been interested about, guess I will check this out.

I love to learn about space..guess i will check this one out.

I love outer space. And this book is awesome! It has a few interesting facts that I didn't know about before.

The Dangerous Days of Daniel X By James Patterson is such a great book. Try it. It's very mysterious, adventurous, and a bit scary. Try something new!

The Night of The Gun is a great book. Check it out!

I wish I can find more books about space. I love space and I also gaze off into space in class... lol. It is going to be great. I am going to check it out... I put it on hold

this sounds really interesting...maybe it is,anyway i have no interest in space but if it looks interesting it even might be interestiing...can't wait for it!!

i love space sooooooooo much!!!!!! i love seeing the stars, looking up planets, and i just soooo love space, it's soooooo intresting

I love to learn about outter space

Finally! An event at a branch that's pretty close to home! The fact that it's about space, a subject which I really like, is also cool.

This did really sound amazing though it's not the type of thing i'd usually do i would have loved a chance to have gone and check it out

Does anybody know if there will be another one anytime soon. i always like trying something new

Though i don't think they'll behaving another one this year there is always next year. sadly i missed out to, 'cause it was to far from me

Those are all very cool programs going on

But are some of them already finsihed that's be sad

This is going to be so exciting

Ya i can't wait myself for the rest to continue

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