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July 20, 2009

Second Week's Prizes Drawn

Check your email--we've drawn the prize winners for the July 13 - July 19 period and sent emails to the winners.

Full details on prizes here.

Congratulations to the winners!  If you didn't win a prize--there's six more weeks of prize drawings to go!


Once again, Congradulations. Good luck to the others who didnt win (like me) :)
Happy Reading.

I'm heartbroken. Lol

congrats to the winners!!! :)

So am I, Lynn. But it's all good...keep reading!

Congrats to the winners!! Next week, I'm feeling lucky ;) In the meantime, I have to pick up my holds at the library. I will be checking back often to see any new book recommendations.

My cousin won!!!!!! I am soooo proud of her, that lucky duck :) She should thank me for introducing her to Word Out!

Once again...Contrats to winners!And good luck to others

Congrats to the winners and to the kids still trying to win.....keep it up and don't give up hope because you never know where your hopes take you!!!!!GOOD LUCK!!!!

Congrats to da lucky winners :D

Wow congrats!

Congratulations to all the winners! Hehe.. my sister won~ :)

Congradulations to the winners, and good luck to the rest!

Good job winners, and don't forget to keep reading.

congrats to all the winners :D

and awww Lynn and Shel don't be disappointed...theres styll weeks left for u guys to win...jsut keep reading and enjoy :)

Well CONGRATS TO ALL the people who won for this week, hopefully someday i'll win. Though i did get a special surprised today and won a prize at my own library, so i guess i'm pretty grateful for this contest it's really cool

are u sure you dont mean the winners for the 13-20? :P

princess: Indeed we did. Copy/pasting fail! Corrected!

Good Luck and Congratulations!

My sis won too! U guys are soo lucky! Don't forget to keep reading!

Me and my sister both are in this and i jsut hope that atleast one of us are lucky enough to win

Congrats too the winners.

Congratulations to all the winners! :)

Congratulations! Continue Reading!

@Alan H.
I thought that was the case :P Meh, we all do it at one time or another...

congrats to all the winners !!!!!!!!!!!!!1
I think they are very lucky at all.....
Continue reading :D

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