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July 20, 2009

Nonfiction of the Week for July 20: The Little Black Book for Guys

Book cover

The Little Black Book for Guys by Saint Stephen’s Community House

Seeing Leo's post from July 6 about crappy stories from high school made me think back to all mine .... except that my book this week is all about sex, and there's no way I'm going to reveal my secrets here.

Better you just read the book. I sure could have used it then, and then again in university, and frankly, I still learned a few things reading it a couple of months ago. The guys from St. Stephen's Community House are a lot braver than me, and a lot more informative, too. Anyways, I could go on, but the whole book is about sex, so you don't need me to tell you it's interesting.

Brian B. is a librarian who's been around, so he knows a thing or two.


Its great that the Word Out! staff has a great variety of books for ALL teens!

OMG! This is pretty creative, i remember that there was a Little Black Book For Girls too. This is pretty cool, that now there's one for guys too.

I wanna put a hold on it and see how it's like. Sounds pretty good to me.

And oh yeah, I'm almost done reading 'Identical' and it's like the best book I've read in a while. Try it. It's by Ellen H.

Sounds like an interesting book. For guys.

Hm...I'm sure guys would love it.

After reading for 3 constant hours, the finished reading the other half of the book "Identical" and it was awesome! It is part of my all time top 5.

I just finished reading City of Ashes. Some of the stuff in it is confusing, but overall I think it's as good as the first one...I won't say any more, just in case you haven't read it, but I do reccommend it if you haven't.
The first book, City of Bones (by Cassandra Clare) is really popular. I actually picked it up on a friend's recommendation.

this books really interesting but i don't noe if it is appropriate for teennzz...as u c on the cover it says some things that some people would like be wat look wat it says who is going to read that book...but maybe i think that if people just forget about wat they think once in a while probably later on they won't regret it.

I read this book before it came out. I was part of the review process. it was awesome, i think its a great book to read for teens who had some questions but were too afraid to ask. It is comical and has many illustrations to ease the heavy load of talking about a sensitive topic like sex. It was created by teens just like us in a community housing project so we know that its legit. People from all different races and backgrounds have contributed to this book and i think its a great resource! pick it up!

Sounds cool to me.

Yes, I want to read this book but I finally just finished the book.
City of Ashes by Cassandra Claire. Yes I know someone has already posted about this book but it's that good to post again.
It was such an amazing book. It has everything: passion, love, action, evil people AKA Valentine (irony much?) :D
Anyways, this book was so awesome. I think I liked it better than the first : the City of Bones.
The series is called the Mortal Instruments. My friend recommended it to me because I got her hooked on Twilight. :D I was so happy to be the first in my school to have read the book :P
The Mortal Instruments series is a great book, and although the book is sort of from a girl's perspective, I think a guy can read this book and love it too. So much detail put towards this book, I can't wait until the City of Glass is in the libraries although it's already out in stores.
I write a lot sorry :D

The cover of this book is so interesting and creative! An ipod makes readers want to read the book more no matter what the topic is about. I remember there's a book called the little black book for girls too. It's nice how they have it for the guys too.

Areez Dhalwani...
I swear I've heard that name from somewhere before...
Are you famous? xD
Then if you recommend it, I'll take a look at it.

I remember reading the equivalent of this book except for girls... waaaay informative. Some of my friends even wanted to borrow it >.>

i went to lib. yesterday...and i saw the book 'Slumdog Millionaire'. that book just came out..

Sounds interesting.

oh i seen that book today at the library. i took out the girl versoin of it.

Seems really ineresting...i think ill get the girl version to it

I LOVE THE COVER... i looks interesting. I will read it

I don't know if there is a girl version of this book but i think i will read both!!! lol

This book reminds me of the Gossip Girl series.. I love the whole series its amazngg!! Its def. a book you cant put down until you finish..

Does anyone know if a 3rd book for the Carlyle series has come out?

this book sounds interesting u most likely see stuff like this for girls (no offence) but this seem to be for guys which got my attetion hopefully I can pick it up soon.

would anyone recommend the book to girls? i feel like we should learn more about boys and their twisted minds xD

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