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July 23, 2009

Graphic Novel of the Week for July 20th: Flight Volume 5

Book coverFlight Vol. 5 by Kazu Kibuishi

I have been a HUGE fan of the series Flight for some time now. The artwork and stories never cease to amaze me.  It has been nominated for the Harvey Awards.

It was just awesome to meet the editor Kazu Kibushi and contributor Kean Soo at the Keep Toronto Reading Graphically Speaking event in February 2008.

And here's a new flash, Volume 6 of Flight is coming out this summer!  It literally came out two days ago (July 21). So don't miss out on that one.

Elsa is a librarian at Toronto Public Library. She reads a lot of Canadian Young Adult fiction.


I just read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. It's so good!!!

I just finished reading 'Zombie Queen of Newbury High' by Amamda Ashby. This book is truly amazing.

Mia doesn't want Rob to dump her right befor Prom. So she ends up doing a Love spell...but insted she ends up inflicting a Zombie virus on her whole senoir class.

amazing book.....

sounds good since it has been nominated for the Harvey awards!

but Elsa, just wondering....if i haven't read the first 4 volumes, do u think im gonna be lost if i just jump into the 5 volume and start reading it?

My favourite stories from Flight vol. 5 are "Worry Dolls" and "On the Importance of Space Travel".

"Worry Dolls" made me laugh a lot.
Also, the art in "On the Importance of Space Travel" was really cute and reminds me of a manga-drawing style.

yeah , i agreee with Lola .

:O! I've seen my sister read these, she was hooked on them. Kept ordering the same ones over and over. The covers always looked really nice to me, but I was too lazy to ask her if I could borrow them, plus she'd be jealous that I'd be stealing another graphic novel from her XD

Maybe I can use the fact that I read about Flight from here as an excuse to read the volumes :P

the cover loookss really fascinating i hope so is the novel it self...i am going to put it on hold right now...

The cover does look good, and i've read the G novel and i really liked it, so i'm looking forward to the next volume

Sounds pretty interesting, but can someone explain the storyline to me please? I never really heard of this before.

sounds pretty good.

I'd have to agree, the cover does look quite interesting and who hasnt been guilty of judging a book by its cover atleast once :P

I like da title and cover..

You know i think it's the graphic that always finally persuade me to read the book. if i'm having a hard time deciding if i should read the book or not it's always the graphics that finally makes me read it or not

Lola, some of the stories have the same characters but those
can be read on their own. Some of the other stories are stand-alone. Hope that
answers your question.

Flight looks pretty good.

And the title is pretty cool!

Looks mysterious to me!

I can't believe that this is a graphic novel, it's look different...either way I like graphic novels, and I have a feeling i'm gonna love this one too!

Very mysterious and compelling....

You know, this looks real good. Maybe I'll give it a try. :) Anyone have any reccommendations??

I just finished reading The Elite by Jennifer Banash and I really enjoyed it! Its a nice Chick-Lit if you're into girls in High Society Manhattan.



wowsounds like a kewl book

I'd really like to read Flight and get to know the different interesting stories told graphically and many styles of drawings from different authors.

Flight was a really good book. All of the stories were interesting and even the ones without words or speech bubbles were very understandable and sometimes made better sense than other stories. After all, they say one picture could mean a thousand words. And just as I expected there were many different and creative stories.

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