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Until Next Year...

September 2, 2014 | Thomas Krzyzanowski | Comments (3) Facebook Twitter More...

Crying Rabbit

Its hard to believe, but its September already, which means its time to wrap up WORD OUT for another year.

To all the amazing WORD OUT participants in 2014 : You guys rock. Whether reviewing books, submitting creative writing, or just stopping by to see what other teens had to say, it was great to have you participate in our program this year.

Wordout2014_promo_200x180Remember that just because the summer is over, you don't have to say goodbye to the Library. Visit our regular teen site ( to find out about the other great library stuff happening all year round.

Remember, there's always Young Voices if you've got something else to say that didn't make it to WORD OUT this year.

ALSO, the Young Voices electronic writer in residence Emily Pohl Weary will be online and ready to read your writing from October 15 to December 8, 2014. If you are eager to submit a piece of creative writing (poem, story, rant, script, etc…) right away, send it to [email protected] with the subject “For Emily” and she’ll be in touch with you after October 15. One submission per person only, please!”

So take care all! It was awesome to get to know you and we look forward to keeping in touch in future.



Image of Crying Rabbit ("You make vita cry!") by Jannes Pockele. Shared under CC BY 2.0
