Word Out 2010 has ended and the information on this page may not be up to date for a more current incarnation of Word Out.
Get the Word Out about a book you love. Create an original two-minute video book review, post it to YouTube, tag it Word Out tpl and let us know when it's posted by making a comment on this page. Every week you post a video, you'll be entered in a draw to win great prizes.
The Word Out 2010 Video Book Review Playlist
We'll add more as we get them! You can see the whole playlist if you like.
What to Put in Your Video (Not Your Face!)
- In fact, don't put anybody's face in the video, because we don't want your mom yelling at us for blowing your anonymity. Put glasses on the back of your head, use finger puppets, stick a napkin over your face, write the review in sand at the beach or the playground, animate, prevaricate, salivate… But don't put your face in the video.
- If you put your face in the video, we won't link it to our website and you will have no chance of winning one of the cool prizes the library is so famous for giving away.
- Mention Word Out in your video (say why it's the coolest thing happening this summer.
- Mention Toronto Public Library in your video (say why you love us!)
- Show the cover of the book in the video (if you don't have the book, draw a reasonable facsimile; if you can't draw very well, just draw some stick figures and write the title on some paper and show it on the video)
- Don't put copyrighted music on your video; you can sing on your video, you can whistle, clap your hands, hum, rap, scream… but no recorded music, please
- Videos should be two minutes long or less (don't put us to sleep, okay)
- Have fun! If you don't have fun making the video, we don't want it.
- Don't put your face in the video!
When You Finish Making the Video...
- Post it to YouTube
- Tag it with word out tpl
- Make a comment on this page with a link to your video so we can take a look and put it in our playlist
YouTube help can be found here
Who Can Participate
Anyone 13 to 19 years old and living in the city of Toronto can have a video posted to the Word Out website and be entered in the prize draws. Contestants must have joined Word Out. No one's face can participate in the video (but knees, elbows, hands and feet are fine).