I Didn't Know You Had That... Part 3
April 6, 2009 | Alan H. | Comments (0)
Global Intelligence from Wherever You Are
You may have heard of the well-known international weekly news magazine, The Economist, but did you know about the Economist Intelligence Unit, a research wing of the same company specializing in country, management and industry analysis?
The focus is on business decision making, but there's a lot for students or those with a general interest in world affairs in ViewsWire (you'll need a library card to log in--get one, it's free), a global current awareness and analysis information source from the Economist Intelligence Unit.
Like the CIA World Factbook and similar information sources, the division of information is regional and geographical, but ViewsWire strongly emphasizes current awareness, with dozens of new or updated articles released daily about the latest developments worldwide.
I know from my days as a reference librarian that "country profile"-type projects are common at all academic levels. A few more subscription resources from the library that can be useful for these type of projects (again, you'll need your library card handy):
- Encyclopedia Britannica Online has some useful geography-focused web tools in addition to lengthy encyclopedia entries for countries.
- Grolier Online features Lands and Peoples (select it from the list of resources on the left-hand side), an elementary-level encyclopedia of world cultures, countries and history.
- The Gale Virtual Reference Library (discussed previously in this blog post) has numerous useful reference books under categories such as History and Nation and World, at various academic levels.
Last Time On "I Didn't Know You Had That..."
This is an ongoing series highlighting interesting resources, features or other aspects of TPL's web services. If you've missed previous parts: