Email reminders to help you return your library materials on time
February 14, 2013 | Sandra | Comments (6)
We’re very happy to announce that, starting today, you can sign up to receive emails to remind you of your checked-out items two days before the items are due.
How to get the email reminders
You can opt in to receive due date reminders in the new Notification Settings section of your account.
See our frequently asked questions about email notification and email address confirmation instructions for more help.
Manage your settings
The new Notification Settings area in your account allows you to directly manage your email address and preferences. If you've had problems with email notification in the past, check your settings and review our troubleshooting tips, or contact us for help.
Can I get due date reminders by phone or text message?
No, this service is only available via email.
Caveat: it’s still your responsibility to return your items on time.
Due date reminders give you an additional way to keep track of when items are due, but you will still be charged fines if an item is returned late, even if (for any reason) you do not receive a reminder notice. You can always check what you have borrowed and when it’s due by looking at your account online.