Account redesign underway!
October 22, 2013 | TPL Staff | Comments (0)
The Web Team is excited to announce that we will be redesigning the account section of the TPL website over the next few months.
Why are we doing this?
There are some important changes to the technology underlying the account that we have to implement, and this will allow us to fix some longstanding issues and make some desirable improvements.
Additionally, the increasing number of people accessing their TPL accounts from mobile devices is a key factor. We realize that our customers want to be able to check their accounts from a wide range of smart phones, tablets, and laptops of all shapes and sizes. The current account is not providing a great experience on smaller screens, and we want to change that.
Are we making some long sought-after feature improvements?
No, sadly, but this first step will set us up to deliver improvements like personal lists and borrowing history in the near future. We are going to be addressing some smaller issues such as displaying your hold pick-up branch and card expiry date, and improving the date formats that are displayed.
We’re also working to improve how quickly we can deliver new features. Building on some major ‘plumbing’ changes that have occurred over the last two years, this project includes process and platform changes that will make the web team more efficient at rolling out improvements.
Follow what we’re doing and get involved
While this project is underway, we will be posting regular updates to this blog and asking for your input. If you want to be informed about opportunities to get involved with design or testing, please join the Website Advisory Group.
We hope you will follow along with us on this journey and look forward to meeting you online and in your local branch!
Update Oct 25: bar chart replaces line chart