Update for OverDrive eBook users: changes to Adobe Digital Editions
September 28, 2012 | Sandra | Comments (0)
Version 2.0 of Adobe Digital Editions, the software used to transfer OverDrive eBooks to your eBook reader, was released last week. The new version has some accessibility improvements to help users with low vision or visual impairments. Some features have also been streamlined: you can now access the menu options for a book (including the options to add the book to your device and to return a borrowed item) by right-clicking on the eBook cover.
There is also, unfortunately, a small bug with the new version of the software: each of your checked-out items has a banner showing you how many days you have left to read it, but this banner is currently displaying the wrong information. Don't worry: you actually still have the full checkout period to read your eBook - only the banner is incorrect.
Note that the new features (and this one bug) are only found in the new version of Adobe Digital Editions released last week. If you still have the older version, you won't see these changes.