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March 2010

Short & definitely very sweet - now available for your convenience

March 16, 2010 | TPL Staff | Comments (13)

We're taking a very brief hiatus from beta testing posts to share something we hope you will all appreciate. I'm not entirely sure how many times I type a day or the number of unique and interesting typo'd versions that have flown off my finger tips, but I'm sure you will agree it is a difficult string of text to pull off quickly and accurately.

So we've made a small and easy change to help all of us. is now an alias for

This means you can type:

It's not fully implemented, so if you email us, you still have to type out the full in the email address. As well, not every sub-site is working yet (e.g. doesn't work yet). Over time, we'll work on expanding the alias to work more broadly, but we think you'll agree that this new shorter url access to our main website will make your TPL life (and ours!) a little easier.

Provide Your Feedback - help us beta test the new

March 2, 2010 | TPL Staff | Comments (211)

As you may be aware, we have been working on a complete redesign of our website. Starting today, we're making the beta available to all library customers.  If you're reading this you've seen a link to it on the catalogue that looks like this:


Over the next several days you may not see this link when you return to the catalogue so if you wish to review the site at a different time please bookmark the link.  If you're interested in why this is the case read here.

Since December the beta website has been in the hands of a limited group of our customers. You can read their comments and feedback here.

About the beta site

The old website and catalogue are still available, but while you’re testing the beta, you should know that all the data in it is live – the status of items (checked in, checked out) is in real time and anything you do (placing holds, changes in your account) is real. You are also seeing live program listings and blog posts.

This is very much a *beta* and the website is still in development, so some aspects are incomplete (e.g. no content on some pages or sections, links that don’t work yet, some visual design and labels that need to be finalized) and others aren't quite working as they should.

If you’re looking for current library information such as policies, catalogue help and library board and service information, please go to our existing website.  If you notice something isn't working or doesn't make sense to you please comment on this blog and provide your feedback.  It may be helpful for you to take a quick look at the known issues list.

Why are you changing the site again?

The new website is the latest development in a multi-year plan to improve the library’s online services and lay the groundwork for future growth. In 2008 we replaced the computer system that manages our inventory and customer accounts. This was a big change that had to be made to support the library’s operations, but it did not directly address many aspects of how our customers interact with the library online. The focus of the current redesign has been on making the website easier and more enjoyable to use.

So...what's new?
  • Improved search is the major change we’re introducing with this redesign. Basically, we wanted to make searching for library materials as easy and intuitive as searching the internet or on an online shopping site. If you’re interested in the details, check out our previous posts (part 1 and part 2) about how the new search engine works.
  • One site and search for everything: our existing search tool (the catalogue) only searches for library materials. The new website brings together materials (books, movies, eBooks, etc.) with information about library programs, branches, and services. All the library has to offer is housed under one site and one search.
  • Up-to-date web features: the new website has been built to current web standards. This makes the site more accessible for people with special needs, and also means we can offer the kinds of functions (RSS feeds, sharing tools) that are found on most major websites.
  • Fixes for issues on the existing site: in building the new website, we’ve been able to address some of the things we know you don’t like about the current site. For instance, we’ve done a better job of ensuring that “Place Hold” links only show up for items that are actually available for hold. And now entering your library card number to place a hold signs you in, so you won’t be asked to enter it again when you try to place a hold on a second item.
  • An extensible platform for future development: the new website is built on a foundation that will enable the library to react quickly to new needs and resolve issues. This includes enabling open data, multi-language, mobile hand-held device experiences and future features and growth.

But some things haven't changed. Why not?

The focus of this phase of the website redesign was on implementing a new search engine and web platform. We’ve been paying attention to your comments about other improvements you’d like to see, and we’re planning to address them in the near future. Some things you won’t see yet in the new site, but that we hope to develop soon:

  • Ability to delete the history of missed holds on your account summary screen, although they are no longer showing when you first login
  • List-making functions, including the option to keep a history of items you’ve borrowed from the library in the past
  • Self-service features like online payment for overdue fines and online library card registration

We rely on your input to help us prioritize improvements and new features, so please share your thoughts on this blog.

Here you go!

Staff from the Toronto Public Library's eServices team talk about recent changes, future plans and ideas and issues you raise about the library's online and mobile services.

What the Web Team is reading on the web