What's happening with the library catalogue?
November 17, 2008 | Sandra | Comments (4)
Good news! We’re getting ready to launch a Beta version of the catalogue with a number of improvements you’ve been asking for. Among the changes:
- A cleaner design that makes it easier to find the information you’re looking for
- An easy way to bookmark or link to items that interest you
- A separate section in your account for holds that are ready for pickup
- A list of any holds you missed picking up, so that you can easily place the holds again
- An easier way to make your holds Active or Inactive
In this case, Beta means “NOT LIVE.” We would have liked to let you test the new system on your existing holds and account, but unfortunately we weren’t able to set it up that way.
The Beta site will give you a snapshot of your account as it was in early November. You’ll be able to place holds, renew items, and make other changes, but any actions you take will be for test purposes only and will not affect your live account.
Participation in the Beta test will be by invitation only (our Beta site is in a test environment that can only handle a limited number of simultaneous users). If you’d like to help us with Beta testing, send your email address to [email protected]. We’ll be sending out more information, including the Beta test URL, later this week.
Thanks for your continued feedback.