The Gingham Dog and the Calico Cat: An Exhibit at the Osborne Collection of Early Children's Books

August 23, 2018 | TPL Staff

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  The Cat and Dog Book

We invite you to The Gingham Dog and the Calico Cat: Companion Animals in Children's Literature, an exhibition of historical and modern children's books at the Osborne Collection of Early Children's Books. It explores the subject of companion animals as depicted in children's literature.

The exhibit runs from September 8 through December 1, 2018 and is open during the Osborne Collection's regular opening hours: Monday to Friday 10 - 6 and Saturday 9 -5.

It's free and all are welcome!

A Preview

A Story of a Boy and a Dog

Come find out about: an old dog, Dan, in Luke Baldwin's Vow; an errant rhinoceros in Diana and Her Rhinoceros;  a cat made of snow in The Snow Cat; a teddy bear, Peabody, in Peabody; and another dog, Willie, in Whistle for Willie

Diana and her Rhinoceros The Snow Cat 

Be they real-life, toy, or imagined, these are creatures dear to our hearts long after childhood has been put aside. They are our childhood comforters, the animals that console us. 

Peabody Whistle for Willie

Among the many other kinds of the animals we call friends are Beautiful Joe, the Velveteen Rabbit , and Winnie-the-Pooh. Come and see them, too!

Hope to see you there! 


With thanks to Liz Derbecker 
