New Year's Resolutions in the Special Collections Department
With the shelves of every branch stocked with books to fuel a desire for learning and self-improvement, the library is your go-to location for New Year's resolutions. In addition to the things you can check out at a branch or online, you can find inspiration for the new year in the rare and vintage materials of the Special Collections Department.
What follows is a selection of items from the library's rare books and archives matched to a generic "Top 10" list of New Year's resolutions:
Resolution #1: Get healthy.
Resolution #2: Lose weight.
Resolution #3: Live life to the fullest.
Do you love rare books and unique publications? Join us for our Discover Special Collections presentations held on Wednesday afternoons at 2 p.m. in the the Marilyn & Charles Baillie Special Collections Centre on the 5th floor of the Toronto Reference Library. Every week is a different topic. See the library's website for the upcoming schedule.
Resolution #4: Spend less, save more.
Resolution #5: Spend more time with family.
Resolution #6: Get organized.
Resolution #7: Don't make a resolution.
Resolution #8: Start a hobby.
Resolution #9: Travel more.
Resolution #10: Read more.
You can read A Reading Diary in the Arthur Conan Doyle Room, or find a copy to check out and read at home. Happy reading, and Happy New Year!