Ukrainian Canadian Congress is once again encouraging Canadians to
participate in the various Ukrainian Literature Day initiatives taking
place across the country.
objective of this national campaign is to raise awareness among Canadians
that Ukrainian literature is a vibrant, growing genre with much to offer to
every segment of society. Ukraninian Literature Day also seeks to showcase
some award-winning authors and books. It is also an excellent
opportunity to connect young Canadians with Ukrainian and Ukrainian
Canadian literature.
A full list of Canadian writers of
Ukrainian origin as well as a substantive analysis of their writing is provided
by Lisa Grekul in her book Leaving Shadows: Literature in
English by Canada’s Ukrainians. The
following writers are well known and their books are available in the Toronto
Public Library:
Myrna Kostash, Andrew Suknaski, George Ryga, Janice
Kulyk Keefer, Vera Lysenko, Maara Haas and Ted Galay.
9th marks the birthday of Taras Shevchenko, the famous Ukrainian poet,
artist and literary father. Shevchenko is widely regarded as the most
important contributor to the development of Ukrainian literature.
Canadians across the country are encouraged to support
Ukrainian Literature Day by making use of the public library system and checking out one of the hundreds of books on
Ukrainian themes.
At the Toronto Reference Library we
are going to celebrate Ukrainian Literature Day. You are invited for:
- A
special User Education session for Adults and Seniors in the Ukrainian
language on March 9th. You will learn how to find and order books and DVDs
from home using the online catalogue. This session will start at 10:00 am in the computer Learning Centre 2. To reserve please call the User
Education Centre at 416-393-7209.
- After
the computer session come to the 4th floor and browse our collection of reference and circulating books in the Ukrainian language.
Bring your library card with you if you would like to borrow books.
- English
speaking patrons are invited to familiarize themselves with our collection
of Ukrainian literature in translation and with the Canadian authors of
Ukrainian heritage (3rd floor)
- A display of Ukrainian literature through the ages will be presented on the 4th floor.
All services are free of charge. Everybody is