Teen Review: The Remedy

July 24, 2018 | Teen Blogger

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Review by Marina, member of the Brentwood Youth Advisory Group

The Remedy is a novel by Suzanne Young about a character named Quinn who helps different families and provides closure. She's a closer taking the role of dead girls’ lives. Closers are people who can take on the role of anyone according to gender which then provides closure for grieving families. The book is about how Quinn falls in love with one of her assignments which changes her life.

I recommend this book to all readers because I really enjoyed it and there are corresponding books in the series.  My favorite quote is “This isn't me, I think. I can't be jealous of a dead girl.” Another reason I really liked this book was because it's unique. In the last three pages of the epilogue it changes everything. In the end it's an incredible book and I encourage you to read it.
