Back To School: Stress Management

September 14, 2017 | Reagan

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It's that time of year: Back to school is in full swing!


This new school year can mean a lot of changes for you, possibly starting at a new school? Maybe it's your last year of high school and you're feeling the grind of college/university preparation? Or maybe you're somewhere in the middle and just hoping for a good year? Wherever you are in your schooling life, let's be honest, back to school can be STRESSFUL

Of course stress is a natural part of life, but you can manage your stress levels effectively. First, understand that there is no right way to deal with stress. Best thing you can do is try a few different stress management techniques and see what works best for YOU! Personally, a few hours at the gym doing a mixed martial arts class or weight lifting is sure to tire me out so much that I can put my worries aside for the day.

Gym not your thing? Here are some other tips for managing stress during this challenging time of year:

 Acknowledge the stress

Trying to ignore stress doesn't help. In fact it only makes it worse. So go ahead, acknowledge the reason for your stress. Tip: It might help to make a list that way you can visualize what things are a priority and what things can get bumped off the list of things stressing you out. 

Fun Distractions
Make a list of fun activities that you can do when you are feeling particularly stressed out. Pick an activity from the list and do it by yourself or with friends and family. This will serve as a great distraction to help you mellow out. 

Looking for something to distract yourself and help manage stress levels? Check out these teen library programs!


Bookshout! at Toronto Reference Library

Artists In The Library

Artists in the Library

   Writing The City Teen Workshop 

Writing The City Teen Workshop at Parkdale Library

Youth Advisory Groups

Youth Advisory Groups

Teens After School Chess Club

Teens After School Chess Club at Don Mills Library

   Get Inspired Workshops: Day of the Dead Pots

Get Inspired Workshops: Day of the Dead Pots at S. Walter Stewart Library

You Belong @ Your Library

You Belong @ Your Library at Fairview Library

3D Printer Certification 

3D Printer Certification

Slam Poetry Meet Up

Slam Poetry Meet Up at Flemingdon Park Library

Re-frame and Simplify
You can't control or fix everything so don't worry about the things that are out of your control! I recommend practicing mindfulness as a way to simplify and de-stress. 



Just remember, stress is absolutely a normal part of life. That said, managing stress is something you can absolutely do to improve your well being.

Looking for more? Check these out: 

Chill : stress-reducing techniques for a more balanced, peaceful you by Deborah Reber


Stress Relief: Ultimate Teen Guide
Stress relief : the ultimate teen guide by Mark Powell


The Mindful Way Through Stress

The mindful way through stress : the proven 8-week path to health, happiness, and well-being by Shamash Alidina


Relationship Skills 101 for Teens
Relationship skills 101 for teens : your guide to dealing with daily drama, stress, and difficult emotions using DBT by Sheri Van Dijk


What You Can Do About Stress and Anxiety
What you can do about stress and anxiety by Jennifer Way


Breaking Mad
Breaking mad : the insider's guide to conquering anxiety by Anna Williamson


