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A Local Landmark

May 31, 2010 | Claire | Comments (0)

We are very lucky to have Riverdale Park in our neighbourhood.  Local residents, from dog walkers to athletes,  have enjoyed access to one of the most beautiful parks in Toronto.  At the south-east corner of Riverdale Park there is a monument to Dr. Sun Yat-sen.  Most people wouldn't know why this monument is standing here, but during the weekend I have spent some time on this question.  I'd like to share the story.

Dr. Sun Yat-sen is known as a revolutionary and he is honoured as the Father of Modern China.  He visited Toronto around a hundred years ago, and gave a speech at Victoria Hall to raise funds for his revolution.

In 1983 there was a National Open Sculpture competition to create a statue of Dr. Sun Yat-sen.  Joe Rosenthal was selected as the sculptor, and he completed the monument in 1985.   The biography of Dr. Sun Yat-sen is on the back, as are the names of the donors to the monument.  Most of the donors were local people of Chinese origin.

This monument shows Dr. Sun Yat-sen holding a book.  The book is his famous ideology "The Three Principles of the People".  It talks about nationalism, democracy and socialism. 

Thanks to Mr. Dale Cheung, Co-chair of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce, for giving me some sources of information about this important local monument.


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