Neuroscience: How Your Brain Lives, Works ... And Dies

January 15, 2015 | Miriam

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Dr. Denise Henriques
Dr. Denise Henriques.

On January 21, 6:30 pm in the Beeton Auditorium at Toronto Reference Library, Dr. Denise Henriques of York Univerisity will be delivering a talk entitled Your Brain in Action. Humans surpass all other animals as well as robots when it comes to diversity and malleability of movements and Dr. Henriques's research looks at how the brain's remarkable control systems use sensory information to control action to make this possible.

Dr. Henriques is an associate professor in York's Faculty of Health, School of Kinesiology & Health Science--you can learn more about this fascinating work on her York website, Sensorimotor Control Lab

This talk launches a new series of science lectures presented in collaboration with York University's Faculties of Science and Health, Neuroscience: How Your Brain Lives, Works ... And Dies.

There is a lot of hype about neuroscience, and some pseudoscience, too, as this article shows: How to Spot Pseudoneuroscience and Biobunk. Our lecture series is a wonderful opportunity for laypeople to learn firsthand about some of the real and fascinating science and cutting edge research being done in this field.

EEG Recording Cap
York University. Faculty of Science

The library also has an abundance of books on Neuroscience but a simple search won't sort out the best. A good starting point is to ask a librarian to guide you in selecting authoritative works. Another approach is to look for reading guides online (search for things like "best books on neuroscience" or "good neuroscience books."  Here is a list from 2010 that still looks pretty good: The Great Brain Books, Revisited. The first title on this list is Dr. Norman Doidge's The brain that changes itself : stories of personal triumph from the frontiers of brain science. This book was a huge bestseller. And... Norman Doidge will also be speaking at the library's Appel Salon, February 10, 7 pm.

