Fall Programs: Something for everyone!

September 30, 2013 | Laura

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Fall programming is in full swing here at North York Central Library.  We are eagerly anticipating two very different and exciting programs coming up in early October. 

Maureen-dennis-headshot-crop2On Tuesday October 8th join us as we host Maureen Dennis, President and Founder of WeeWelcome and Parenting Expert for the Marilyn Dennis Show.  She will be sharing survival tips and strategies to get parents and students through the new school year successfully. With helpful recommendations aimed to take the stress out of the 2013/2014 school year, Maureen will tackle topics such as: homework problems, classroom issues, friendship troubles and bullying in an interactive forum.  The event takes place at 7pm in the Auditorium.  For more information call the Society and Recreation department at 416-395-5660.

To get you in the mood for the event, check out some books in our collection that deal with common school issues that arise and how to help students be successful.

The Pressured Child

Michael Thompson

The Mom Book Goes to School

Stacy M. DeBroff

Nowhere to Hide

Jerome J. Schultz

The Essential Guide to Bullying Prevention and Intervention

Cindy Miller

For something completely different, and to get you in a very Halloween-y mood, join us on Thursday October 10th for a ghostly evening as we explore some of Toronto's most famous haunted locations. Jason Kucherawy, of Tourguys.ca, will provide a fascinating talk around Toronto's haunted heritage and attempt to explain the phenomena of the supernatural. Come learn about the scarier side of Toronto's history!  The event takes place at 7pm on the Concourse level. Call the Society and Recreation department to register at 416-395-5660. 

Listed below are some book recommendations to get you in the festive spirit.


Ghosts of the Canadian National Exhibition

Richard Palmisano 

Ontario Ghost Stories

Barbara Smith 

Mysteries of Ontario

John Robert Colombo

Ghost Town Stories of Ontario

Maria Da Silva

See you at the programs!
