Beat The Heat And Enjoy The Summer!
This season is quickly warming up to be another glorious summer! After several months of dark cold grey weather in Toronto, warmer temperatures and sunnier days are a welcome sight. With the hotter weather, there are days when increasing temperatures and humidity that could potentially become harmful to our health. According to the City of Toronto website,
People at risk during these weather conditions include:
> The elderly
> People with chronic illnesses (such as diabetes, heart and respiratory conditions) or people unable to move or change position by themselves
> Infants and preschool children
> People who exercise vigorously or are involved in strenuous outdoor work for prolonged periods
> People taking certain medications, for example, for mental health conditions
> Homeless or marginally housed persons
On those hotter than usual days in Toronto, the City issues a Heat Alert. This occurs, "when forecast weather conditions suggest that the likelihood of a high level of mortality is between 25 and 50 percent greater than what would be expected on a typical day."
In cases when the temperature rises high enough to potentially cause heat exhaustion or heat stroke there are large cooling centres open to the public when the Extreme Heat Alerts are in effect.
The North York Civic Centre is available during these periods and is located just south of the North York Central Library at Mel Lastman Square.
You are welcome to come cool off in our library! We offer drinking fountains, a great selection of books, magazines, newspapers, CDs, and DVDs for your summer enjoyment as well as great summer programs for children, teens, and adults.
Detailed information to learn how to Beat the Heat is available through The City of Toronto website.
More information is available on How the Heat Alert System Works.