Toronto Public Library Welcomes Back Library Settlement Partnerships (LSP)

October 9, 2020 | Elsa

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Autumn is a time to celebrate change – the beginning of a new school year, the leaves turning vibrantly colourful, the cooler weather inviting us to break out warm sweaters. This fall, Library Settlement Partnerships (LSP) welcomes the return to in-person service at library branches across the city, as part of Toronto Public Library’s Stage 3 reopening.

LSP logo

LSP is funded by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) and expands settlement services by offering them in libraries across the city. TPL works with seven local settlement agencies to offer free one-on-one information and referral, as well as relevant programs for newcomers. 


Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada


For the past few months, LSP has continued to support newcomers with online settlement services. As part of Stage 3 reopening, LSP is now offering one-on-one appointment-based settlement service in select TPL branches.

Even though we are not able to celebrate the annual LSP Week in person this October, this longstanding partnership will continue to thrive and we would like to thank our settlement agency partners in working with us to bring back LSP safely to TPL.

To keep everyone safe, there will be no drop-in service, and appointments need to be scheduled before visiting the library.  A number of safety measures are in place: settlement workers are equipped with Personal Protective Equipment, acrylic shields are installed at LSP desks, and equipment and furniture are regularly cleaned. Don’t forget your mask or face covering when you visit us. If you are not feeling well, please stay home.

LSP Worker

To find out which libraries have in-person LSP service available, visit the Settling in Toronto page. This webpage also lists LSP workers’ contact information, so you can connect with them directly, to make in-person appointments, or register for online programs.

Here are some upcoming LSP programs and these take place via Zoom, which is a third party online platform. The settlement workers can help walk you through the steps of using this platform carefully.

Citizenship Preparation

Online Citizenship Class
Hosted by LSP Partner TNO-The Neighbourhood Office 
Every Wednesday (October 7 to December 2, 2020), 1 - 2 pm
For full details or to register, contact Enas at [email protected] 


Online Citizenship Test Preparation Sessions (6-session series)
Hosted by LSP Partner Catholic Crosscultural Services
Thursdays, Nov. 5, 12, 19, 26, & Dec. 3, 10, 6 - 8 pm 
For full details or to register, contact Renee at [email protected]


Language Support

Online English Conversation Circle
Hosted by LSP Partner TNO-The Neighbourhood Office 
Every Tuesday, 1 - 2 pm
For full details or to register, contact Enas at [email protected]


English Conversation Group: Let’s Speak English!
Hosted by LSP partner YMCA Newcomer Information Centre 
October 21, November 4, 18, 3 - 4 pm
For full details or to register, please visit


Online French Conversation Circle 
Hosted by LSP Partner CICS
November 11, 18, 25, 30 & December 2, 9, 16, 5:30 - 6:30 pm
For full details or to register, please contact Zarmeena at [email protected]

A number of other in-person services are now available at TPL. These services have been adapted to ensure a safe experience for everyone. Find out more about:


In addition to in-person services, TPL continues to offer free and quality online programs. Please also visit our New to Canada blog to learn more about library resources for newcomers to Canada.

We look forward to seeing you in the library!


With thanks to Stacey, LSP Outreach Librarian.


Edited October 30, 9:30 am: Added program information on Online French Conversation Circle.
