Join us in Celebrating Library Settlement Partnerships: October 15-26, 2019

October 15, 2019 | Stacey

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This week, Toronto Public Library (TPL) celebrates Library Settlement Partnerships (LSP), a service offered at 14 library locations through partnership with seven local settlement agencies. This program expands TPL’s newcomer services by providing a dedicated space for multilingual settlement workers to connect with newcomers in our libraries. And every October, we celebrate with LSP Week programs and activities!

LSP worker with a customer.

We invite you to come celebrate LSP Week with us October 15-26, 2019 by attending special programs offered at nine library branches. Last year’s LSP Week celebrations brought over a thousand people together at 12 events across the city. Events are scheduled to coincide with Canadian Citizenship Week (October 13 to 19, 2019) and Ontario Public Library Week (October 20 to 26, 2019).

Each year, LSP Week programming is centered around a theme. This year’s theme, “Thankfulness,” acknowledges Thanksgiving Day (October 14) which marks the start of LSP Week. The theme of thankfulness gives us an opportunity to reflect upon the things for which we are grateful in Canada and how we can give back to our communities.

LSP week celebration at Mimico Centennial Branch

This year, with nine libraries offering a variety of activities for all ages, LSP Week 2019 will provide memorable experiences that engage, with cultural music and dance performances, special guest speakers, and much more. Some of the events include:

Citizenship Ceremony.

LSP provides access to settlement services at Toronto Public Library branches across the city. Meet a settlement worker one on one, or attend a library program. In 2018, over 23,900 newcomers accessed LSP, and over 900 programs were offered. There are currently 14 LSP branches:

LSP logo


Toronto Public Library partners with seven local settlement agencies for LSP:


Be sure to check our Settling in Toronto page to find more information about LSP and visit our New to Canada blog to learn about library resources for newcomers to Canada. We look forward to seeing you this LSP Week!

Read more about previous years’ LSP celebrations:
