Audio clips of Discover Canada: The Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship
Are you studying to take the Citizenship test? The questions in the citizenship test can be found in the information from the free study guide, Discover Canada: The Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship.
In the last few months, Citizen and Immigration Canada (CIC) has added a
new free audio version of the study guide to the CIC website. These files can now be downloaded to your computer or played directly through an audio player on the website.
There are many ways that you can access the information from this guide:
1. Ask at your local Toronto Public Library for a free copy. Find your closest branch.
2. Read it in HTML or PDF format on the CIC website
3. Download or Install the text onto a mobile device
5. Listen to it online or download the MP3 files
Audio clips are narrated in sections by notable Canadians listed on the website
If you need more help:
You can also look at sample study questions to help you prepare for the test:
Questions provided by Citizen and Immigration Canada
Questions provided by Toronto Public Library
Check out our other blogs on Citizenship:
Canadian Citizenship Test preparation - new classes @ your library and more citizenship information.
Citizenship, ESL, Educational and Career tests, online and always available for sample questions, information, and help.
Library Settlement Partnerships at Toronto Public Libraries, who help with newcomer services.