Guide to City Directories of Toronto: Decoding Abbreviations
This updated guide was originally posted in 2011.
This guide provides explanations of many abbreviations for personal names, occupations and other words used in 19th-century Toronto city directories.
ab above
acct accountant
adv advertisement
ag implts agricultural implements
agt agent
al alley
Albt Albert
Alex Alexander
app apprentice
appr appraiser
arch/archt architect
Archd Archibald
assce assurance
assn association
asst assistant
attdt attendant
av/ave avenue
b boards
barr barrister
bdg boarding
bdg h boarding house
bds boards
Benj Benjamin
bet between
bg building
bgemn baggageman
bkbndr bookbinder
bkkpr/bkpr bookkeeper
bkr baker
bkslr bookseller
bld/bldg building
bldr builder
blksmith blacksmith
br branch
brklyr bricklayer
brkmn brakeman
brmkr boiler maker
btchr butcher
btlr bottler
c corner
c h custom house
cabt mkr cabinet maker
Can Canadian
carp/carpr carpenter
carr carriage
cash cashier
Chas Charles
chauf chauffeur
chkr checker
clk clerk
clnr cleaner
Co company
col colored
coll collector
com commission
com mer commission merchant
comp compositor
comr/commr commissioner
cond/condr conductor
confr/conftr confectioner
contr contractor
cor corner
Corp corporation
cres crescent
ct court
ctr cutter
d gds dry goods
Danl Daniel
dept department
depy deputy
dlr dealer
do same place or same street
dom domestic
Dom Dominion
drftsmn draftsman
drsmkr dressmaker
dsgnr designer
e east
e s east side
Edwd Edward
elect electrician
electro electrotyper
elev oper elevator operator
Eliz Elizabeth
emp employee
eng/engr engineer
engr engraver
est estate
examr examiner
exp express
fcy fancy
fnshr finisher
Frdk Frederick
ft foot of
ft foot
furn furniture
furng furnishing
GTR Grand Trunk Railway
GWR Great Western Railway
gard/gdnr gardener
gds goods
genl general
Geo George
geol geological
gro grocer
gts furngs gents' furnishings
h house
h householder [general owner]
hdwre hardware
Hert Herbert
hlpr helper
hsekpr housekeeper
imp importer
implts implements
ins insurance
insp inspector
insts instruments
Intl international
J & K
Jas James
jwlr jeweller
kpr keeper
l/la lane
lab labourer
landrs laundress
lino linotype
litho lithographer
lndry laundry
ltd limited
mach hd machine hand
mach/macht machinist
mar market
Margt Margaret
mech mechanic
mer merchant
mfg, mfr, mfy manufacturing -urer -ory
mgr manager
mkr maker
mkt market
Mkt gdnr market gardener
mldr moulder
mlnr milliner
mlstr maltster
mng dir managing director
mntr mounter
moto mortorman
mssr messenger
mus musical
mus tchr music teacher
n north
n near
n e northeast
n s northsouth
n s north side
n w north west
NR Northern Railway
NRC Northern Railway Company
nr near
off office
Ont Ontario
op/opp opposite
opr operator
pc police constable
Parlt Parliament
pat med patent medicines
pckr packer
ped/pdlr peddler
photo/photr photographer
phy physician
pl place
plmbr plumber
plshr polisher
plstr plasterer
pntr painter
pntr painter
pr proprietor
pres president
prin principal
prntr printer
prof professor
prop proprietor
provns/provs provisions
prsfdr pressfeeder
prsr presser
publr publisher
r/res resides [not owner]
r rear
rd road
Regd Reginald
rep representative
repr repairer
rest restaurant
ret retail
Richd Richard
Robt Robert
s south
s e side entrance
s s south side
Saml Samuel
sch tchr school teacher
sdlr saddler
se southeast
sec secretary
sec hd goods second hand goods
sew mach sewing machine
shpr shipper
slsldy saleslady
slsmn salesman
smtrs seamstress
soc society
sol solicitor
sq square
Stand Standard
statr stationer
staty stationery
stenog stenographer
stero stereotyper
stkpr stock keeper
stmftr steamfitter
stn station
stu/studt student
suprvsr supervisor
supt superintendent
surg surgeon
sw southwest
tchr teacher
tel telepraph
tel opr telephone operator
telph telephone
ter terrace
Thos Thomas
tlr tailor
tlrs tailoress
tmstr teamster
tnsmth tinsmith
Tor Toronto
trans transportation
trav traveller
treas treasurer
trk drvr truck driver
twp township
U & V
uphol upholsterer
v pres vice president
vet veterinary
vet sur veterinary surgeon
w widow of
w west
w s west side
wd wkr wood worker
wh/whol wholesale
w'hse warehouseman
wid widow
wks works
Wm William
wrehsemn warehouseman
wtr waiter
wtrs waitress