Home Safe Documentary Series
January 2, 2013 | Tony | Comments (2)
Two documentaries by SkyWorks will be screened here at Lillian H Smith Branch. SkyWorks is a non-profit documentary organization that deals with contemporary social issues. The first film titled Home Safe Toronto reveals how recession and the decline of manufacturing have left families with low wages facing the terrible choice between a roof over their heads and food on the table. Home Safe Hamiltonexamines how laid-off steelworkers, newcomers, and Aboriginal communities are responding to growing poverty and homelessness. Facilitators from SkyWorks will lead discussion following the screenings.
Wednesday February 6, 2013 - Home Safe Toronto
Wednesday February 13, 2013 - Home Safe Hamilton
Both programs are from 6:30-8 in our meeting rooms in the basement. No registration is required.
Check out the previews to the two documentaries below.
*Corrected* - Post originally stated the program was scheduled between 6-8:30pm