New and Noteworthy Wordless Books Roundup for 2022

January 18, 2023 | Pat

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We are dedicated to bringing the best and brightest books to our library collections! Here is our annual tradition of featuring wordless books from the previous year that we are really excited about. Some titles are available in eBook formats.


A Day for Sandcastles

A Day for Sandcastles by JonArno Lawson, illustrated by Qin Leng (ages 4-8)

A family rides a bus to the beach. Classic summer seaside moments are depicted: picnicking with seagulls, strong winds, and of course building and rebuilding sandcastles as growing waves and the incoming tide move closer. Scenic pictures mark the passing day. One of our 2022 First and Best picks for getting kids ready for reading!



Blanket by Ruth Ohi (ages 3-6)

A kitten rises from bed one morning and takes her blanket with her. Finding a place to cocoon herself within, she is soon joined by a puppy. Enveloped in a visually boundless world, they take turns playing with a flashlight, and then using some furniture to expand the concept. 


Field Trip to Volcano Island

Field Trip to Volcano Island by John Hare (ages 4-8)

A class of schoolchildren ride a helicopter to an island that is home to an active volcano. All sorts of interesting flowers grow there and the children start collecting them. One child, whose flowers drop into the caldera, descends to get them back.



Gold by Jed Alexander (ages 4-8)

A retelling of Goldilocks with a surprise ending. It also has a surprise middle and the beginning is unexpected, with Goldilocks stepping off a school bus on a busy city street.


I wish

I Wish by Christoph Niemann (ages 4-8)

The anticipation of a gift and the boundless possibilities therein are thoroughly explored, warped, and folded inside out. More questions than answers: Is this a daydream? Is someone playing a trick? Are tesseracts real?


Isla to island

Isla to Island by Alexis Castellanos (ages 10+)

In this graphic novel, Marisol is relocated away from her parents to escape escalating violence in 1950s Cuba. She moves in with an elderly couple in Brooklyn, goes to school and adapts to life in 1960s New York City. The story unfolds in varying colours, sepia and black and white tones.


Kunoichi bunny

Kunoichi Bunny by Sara Cassidy, illustrated by Brayden Sato (ages 4-8)

Kunoichi is a superhero carrying out Lady Saya's benevolent will with more than the usual alacrity one expects of a stuffed rabbit. Saya and Kunoichi repeatedly avert disaster and it's all in a day.


Laney Dances in the Rain

Laney Dances in the Rain by Ken Willard, illustrated by Matthew Rivera (ages 4-9)

Laney isn’t going to let a little rain stop her from dancing! Dancing is what she does best and some day she's going to make a real splash! In the meantime, a grumpy boy sitting nearby does not appreciate the splash she made in an exuberant puddle leap. 


Line in the Sand

The Line in the Sand by Thao Lam (ages 4-9)

Set in a playground, or perhaps on a beach, there are no clear boundaries until someone drags a stick through the sand and starts walking. What does it mean for a line to appear between us? How should we behave on one side or another of it? Does it even mean anything? 


Posted by Pat, Children's Selection Team.
