Pay It Forward on Good Deeds Day: April 7, 2019

April 5, 2019 | Teresa

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This year, April 7th marks Good Deeds Day. According to the official website, this day was established in 2007 and, " an annual tradition of good deeds. All over the world, hundreds of thousands choose to volunteer and help others, putting into practice the simple idea that every single person can do something good, be it large or small, to improve the lives of others and positively change the world." Can't commit to April 7th? Not a problem! You can do a good deed throughout the month of April (or any day of the year) and it still counts.

Child with Pony
Photo Credit: Jenni Sweat on a CC License

Little ones love to help out so why not take this opportunity to teach them all about paying it forward? Remember, you are their first and best teacher, so if you model good behaviour chances are your children will soon follow. There are so many good deeds that your child can do alone, or try doing them together as a family. 

  • Plant a tree or a community garden
  • Visit a sick friend or relative
  • Volunteer at a local pet shelter
  • Help out at the local soup kitchen
  • Visit an elderly neighbour or retirement residence
  • Volunteer at your school
  • Volunteer at the Toronto Public Library (for teens and adults only).



And of course, you can always come to the library to learn about paying it forward. We have plenty of books that can help teach your little one about being kind and generous. Here are some of my favourites:

Cover image of The giving tree

The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein (Ages 0-5).

Cover image of K is for kindness

K is for Kindness by Jodie Shepherd (Ages 0-5).

Cover image of Ladybug Girl and the rescue dogs

Ladybug Girl and the Rescue Dogs by David Soman and Jacky Davis (Ages 4-8).

Cover image of Last stop on Market Street

Last Stop on Market Street by Matt de la Pena (Ages 4-8).

Cover image of What is given from the heart

What is Given from the Heart by Patricia McKissack (Ages 4-8).

Did you do something special for Good Deeds Day? Tell us below in the comments!
