Springtime is for Babies
Spring has officially sprung (at least according to the calendar). So now's the time of year that we start to think about "spring things" such as flowers, rain showers and babies. Not all babies are born in the spring of course, but there's something about this season of "new beginnings" that make us associate it with nature's littlest ones.
Toronto Public Library welcomes babies (and their caregivers!) spring, summer, autumn, and winter with programs, activities, and books that focus on nurturing infants as they start out on the road to becoming lifelong readers.
Our Baby Time Programs "introduce your child to sounds and actions at a staff-led storytime with bouncing and tickling rhymes, songs and stories." Designed for children from birth to 18 months and their parents or other caregivers, these programs have a dual focus as they both entertain the infants and educate the caregivers through repeated rhymes, music, and movement. They are also a social time where babies can interact with each other and caregivers can exchange anecdotes and advice.
Baby Time is one of the five categories of "Ready for Reading" programs that help to develop a child's reading readiness. We also strive to look beyond the walls of your local branch and enable caregivers to integrate elements of this "easy, everyday early literacy support" into their daily lives. The "Things to Do" section of our Ready for Reading website, for example, includes activities that get your child ready to read through talking, reading, singing, playing and writing. There are even videos where staff demonstrate the gestures that go with songs or rhymes and read stories to you and your little one!
And it should go without saying that we have lots of books for everyone, including babies. Every library branch has their own collection of uncatalogued board books that you can browse through and borrow. These strong, sturdy books have pages that are easier for little hands to turn and are filled with simple words and/or beautiful pictures (in colour or black & white for newborns).
Up! How Families Around the World Carry Their Little Ones by Susan Hughes (ages 0-5).
So here’s to spring and to our littlest customers. Just like "April showers bring May flowers" let’s hope that spring's sunny weather brings babies and caregivers together.