Eat Less Sugar to Lose Weight and Be Healthier!

February 23, 2013 | Emoke

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Sugar_trading_brokerDo you love sugar, and are addicted to sweets and desserts? You are not alone! I myself have a major sweet tooth, but this year, I have decided to change that. I have taken on a healthier new me. I have decided to cut out sugar, for one. Excess sugar, as we all know gets turned into fat in our bodies, because we are eating too much, and do not need the extra energy produced from all this sugar.

It is not proven, but eating less sugar may help you lose a few pounds as well. I'm pretty sure it has worked for me. A recent study by Natural Standard: The Authority on Integrative Medicine claims that eating less sugar may reduce body weight. Natural Standard is one of the Health & Medicine databases the Toronto Public Library has access to. Check out this database for complementary and alternative medicine information.

 One needs to become more educated about just how harmful sugar is for your system, learn the truth about sweeteners, figure out what and how much natural sugar to eat, and get tips on curbing those cravings!

According to best-selling author, Dr. Mercola (whose #1 Natural Health website I frequent), "Evidence is mounting that sugar is the primary factor causing not just obesity, but also chronic and lethal disease."

Sugar has been said to be as toxic as poison, and some have said that feeding it to your kids is like feeding then drugs, due to the toxicity and addictive nature of it. Dr. Mercola says it will only be a matter of time before the public accepts that consuming sugar leads to cancer. 

Check out library books also for more info on sugar..

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