Free Personal Finance and Investment Research Tools

February 3, 2021 | Wendy B.

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Do you want to learn more about playing the stock market? Trying to sort out your RRSPs from your TFSAs in time for tax season? Whatever your personal finance needs, we have free information and expertise for you.



Anyone who wants to do in-depth stock market research will find these financial databases useful:

Value Line

Value Line

Value Line is a great place to start learning about investing. It's a financial database featuring rankings of over 6,000 large to mid-cap stocks, 18,000 mutual funds, and 200,000 options, convertibles, and special situation investment opportunities. Stock quotes are updated daily, with a 15-minute delay. Other statistics including overall U.S. Stock Exchange performance are updated daily, while rankings are updated weekly. Value Line also offers company, industry, and market reports and commentaries, along with educational articles, a glossary of investment terms and investment tools.

Getting Started with Value Line


FP Advisor

FP Advisor

FP Advisor is a collection of databases from Financial Post Data, among other sources. It offers many of the same features as Value Line, but with a Canadian focus. It features financial and operational information on Canada's top 450 publicly traded companies, including mid-cap and large cap companies. It also offers historical, investor and industry reports.

Getting Started with FP Advisor



From January to March, we're hosting online programs to help you learn more about personal finance. Here are a few upcoming live events:

Keisha Blair

Holistic Wealth: How to Find Happiness and Prosperity after Loss, with Keisha Blair, February 9, 1 pm


Mike Drak

Retirement Planning During a Pandemic with Mike Drak, February 23, 7 pm


Pink piggy bank

How To File A Simple Tax Return, March 17, 2 pm

See all upcoming personal finance programs


And here are some recorded videos of past events:


Reading Lists

Whether you've just earned your first paycheque or you're looking forward to your last, we have a book for you:

Teen Financial Literacy

Personal Finance —  Must Reads 

Retirement Planning


Additional Resources
