Learn Tech with O'Reilly

January 12, 2021 | Wendy B.

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Person typing on a keyboard with an Arduino mini-controller nearby.

Are you building a career in tech? Do you need to develop your skills in areas like data analytics, machine learning, digital security or business management? The library has a lot of free resources for you — and one of them just came out with a raft of new features.

O'Reilly Learning used to be known as Safari Tech & Business Books Online. It's been a popular resource for years, offering the latest ebooks and videos on cutting-edge tech and business topics. Last year, they rebranded as O'Reilly — and a few weeks ago, they transformed their platform. They still offer over 30,000 ebooks and 30,000+ hours of streaming video. But now, they also have curated learning paths, case studies, audiobooks and conference videos.

Here's an overview of some of the new features you'll find:

O'Reilly Answers

Front and centre is a natural-language search that brings you directly to relevant passages of ebooks in the O'Reilly collection. Try typing "What is human-centred design?" or "How can I loop through an array in JavaScript?". You'll get highlighted paragraphs from relevant books that you can browse. When you find the one that answers your question, you can click through to read the whole chapter or book.


Expert playlists

O'Reilly has asked authors and subject matter experts to collect the most helpful readings, videos and tutorials on their areas of expertise. It's like being handed the syllabus for a course taught by an experienced professional.


Learning paths

These are deep dives into a subject area, incorporating video, text, self-tests and more. Learn how to become an ethical hacker in 10 weeks — or learn the fundamentals of evolutionary software architecture in three hours.


Case studies

Watch videos of talks by industry professionals about projects they've worked on and lessons they've learned. For example, see an engineer from Spotify explain how they started using machine learning to personalize user experience.


New browsing features

If you just want to know what the hottest topics in tech are right now, there are browsable lists of the most popular books, classes and videos. And if you need the most up-to-date information, you can browse pre-release titles in the Early Releases section.

Note that the new design has some quirks and bugs that aren't worked out yet. If you're browsing O'Reilly Learning on a small screen, like a 13-inch laptop, make sure that you're viewing the page in fullscreen mode. If you don't, content won't display properly. 


Have you tried the new O'Reilly Learning platform? What did you think? Let us know in the comments.

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