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Low-tech Maker Culture at Cedarbrae

September 5, 2014 | Charlene Lee | Comments (0)

In the last few years TPL has embraced the hacker and maker movements and established itself at the forefront of digital innovation within public libraries. While emphasis on technology is integral to our programs and services, the Cedarbrae Library's children's department has encouraged the low-tech side of maker culture to a more than enthused response.

This summer we hosted two maker programs that relied on everyday materials and even more on participants’ creativity and imagination. In July, kids made sock puppets with gently used (and clean!) socks, as well as other materials like felt and fabric scraps.

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(One of the creations at our sock puppet event)

In early-August we hosted a Make + Create event where kids were encouraged to make whatever they liked using an assortment of recycled materials and supplementary craft supplies. Although we did provide examples of what they could make, we were impressed with the creativity exercised by our young participants!


(A paper roll castle engineered at the Make and Create event)

Looking ahead, we will continue to emphasize the low-tech side of maker culture by hosting monthly Maker Mondays as well as the introduction of our monthly Lego and K'NEX Club!


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