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March 2011

Do you like to write?

March 31, 2011 | Erin | Comments (0)

April is National Poety Month. To celebrate, Cedarbrae is hosting two talks by poets in the community.

On April 7 from 5:30-7:00

Dwayne Morgan, spoken word artist, published poet, performer, and founder of Up From the Roots Entertainment will speak about his experiences as an artist, celebrate the positive artistic contributions of African Canadian and urban-influenced artists, and discuss the process of writing.

On April 21 from 6:30-8:00

Honey Novick, singer/songwriter, voice teacher, and poet, will visit the branch to read from some of her own work and provide some advice for writing as well as opportunities to interact and put theory into practice through exercises.

Study rooms in Cedarbrae Library

March 29, 2011 | Maciek | Comments (0)


You probably noticed that after the renovation our library added three brand new study rooms! Two of them are for up to four people and the "collaborative study room" accommodates up to eight people.

If you would like to use one you need to book it first (library card is required): booking is in person and for the current day only. You can reserve two hours per day, but you can continue using the room after that time if it is available. Please remember, the reservations are made per group, not per person - no double booking.

What if no study room is available? No worries, we have lots of study spaces in the quiet area (all with outlets, so you can plug in your computer) and lots of seating throughout the building. Sometimes we also make our auditorium (the FCCR room) available for quiet study!


Things knitting is still trying to teach me...

March 23, 2011 | Erin | Comments (0)

As soon as I read them, I knew I just had to share these anecdotes. Any knitter will instantly empathize... and stifle the occasional out-loud giggle.

Knitting is still trying to teach me...

#1) That making big mistakes when you're learning is how it goes. It is why knitting can unravel (as many times as you need it to).

#2) That the knitting muses have an excellent, if cruel, sense of humour.

#3) That knitting a really big thing is like being married for a long time: you have to find a way to do the same thing over and over again without wanting to trash it for something new, exciting, and better-looking.

#4) To count. I thought I had mastered it in the first grade, but since I have just placed the neck opening for a sweater directly over my right shoulder blade, I apparently need to work on it.

#5) Patience. Enough said.

#6) That things get knit faster when you actually work on them. That's why the scarf I've allegedly been knitting for two years just isn't getting any bigger, no matter how long I leave it in the basket.

#7) That no matter how well you knit, looking at your work too closely isn't helpful. It's like kissing with your eyes open: nobody looks good that close up.

#8) That just because it's deeply discounted or on sale, it isn't automatically good yarn.

from Things I Learned from Knitting by Stephanie Pearl-McPhee

Have a passion for yarn? If you're interested in sharing your knowledge, learning new skills, or just looking for a place chat with like-minded people, join us for:

Knitters' Drop-in
at Cedarbrae Library
every other Monday from 5:30-7
upcoming dates:
April 4
April 18
May 2
May 16
May 30

Welcome to the Cedarbrae Library!

March 16, 2011 | Maciek | Comments (1)


Welcome! We are very happy to announce that the Cedarbrae Library now has its own blog :-) If, by any chance, you don't know about our magnificent branch - we are a large district branch located at 545 Markham Road (Markham / Lawrence), in the east part of the city. We just reopened in December 2010 after a major renovation that not only gave us a new look but also significantly expanded our collections.


What is this blog about? We will be using it to share news about everything that happens in the branch and in the neighbourhood, but if we find out about anything else that’s interesting... we'd blog about that, too :-)

Welcome! This blog is written by the Cedarbrae Library staff and we want it to become a place where you can find out what's going on in the branch and in the community. But not just that - we plan to write about all things we might find interesting.