Did you know we offer free tax preparation help?
(image courtesy of Chris Potter posted on flickr.com on December 11, 2012. This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license)
Did you file your income tax this year through the FREE tax preparation programs offered through Toronto Public Library? Missed your chance this year? Not to worry, we will be offering them next year!
Toronto Public Library offers free tax preparation services at some of its branch locations every year. These community income tax services are provided by either Chartered Professional Accountants or volunteers trained by Canada Revenue Agency. These programs are available to eligible taxpayers with incomes under $25,000 or families with an income of under $35,000.
If you don't qualify for the free tax service and would like to learn how to complete and file your own tax return, check out Canada Revenue Agency's website. They have general guides, schedules, and forms you may need to fill your income tax and benefit return.
The Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada (CPA) also publishes the Personal Tax Planner Guide every year. Check with your nearest library to see if they carry the recent edition.
For more great tips, check out these titles: