Governor General's Literary Award 2017 Shortlist Announced

October 4, 2017 | Book Buzz

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Finalists for the Governor General's Literary Awards were announced on October 4, 2017. The awards are presented in 14 categories and include books for adults and children in both official languages. 

These are the nominations in the adult English categories. 


1979 by Michael healey The Colony of unrequited Dreams, by Robert Chafe Indian arm, by Hiro Kanagawa

1979 by Michael Healey

The Colony of Unrequited Dreams by Robert Chafe

Indian Arm by Hiro Kanagawa

The Virgin trial Within the glass

The Virgin Trial by Kate Hennig

Within the Glass by Anna Chatterton


All the beloved ghosts Lost in september Uncertain weights and Measures

All the Beloved Ghosts by Alison MacLeod

Lost in September by Kathleen Winter

Uncertain Weights and Measures by Jocelyn Parr

The Water beetles We'll all be burnt in our beds some night

The Water Beetles by Michael Kaan

We'll all be Burnt in our Beds Some Night by Joel Thomas Hynes


All we leave behind The Handover The way of the strangers

All We Leave Behind: a Reporter's Journey into the Lives of Others by Carol Off

The Handover: How Bigwigs and Bureaucrats Transferred Canada's Best Publisher and the Best Part of our Literary Heritage to a Foreign Multinational by Elaine Dewar

The Way of the Strangers: Encounters with the Islamic State by Graeme Wood

Where i live now Where it hurts

Where I Live Now: a Journey through Love and Loss to Healing and Hope by Sharon Butala

Where it Hurts by Sarah de Leeuw


All the names between On not losing my father's ashes in the flood Selah

All the Names Between by Julia McCarthy

On Not Losing my Father's Ashes in the Flood by Richard Harrison

Selah by Nora Gould

Slow war What the soul doesn't want

Slow War by Benjamin Hertwig

What the Soul doesn't Want by Lorna Crozier

Translation: French to English

Brothers In search of new babylon The Longest year

Brothers by David Clerson, translated by Katia Grubisic

In Search of New Babylon by Dominique Scali, translated by Donald Wilson

The Longest Year by Daniel Grenier, translated by Pablo Strauss

Readopolis Social myths and collective imaginaries

Readopolis by Bertrand Laverdure, translated by Oana Avasilichioaei

Social Myths and Collective Imaginaries by Gérard Bouchard, translated by Howard Scott

The complete list of finalists in all categories can be found on the award website.

The winners will be announced on November 1, 2017.
