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Tots and Technology

May 15, 2015 | Janet | Comments (4)

We are surrounded by digital media; television shows, computer games, web pages and apps. We are exposed via our televisions, computers, laptops, smart phones and tablets. As parents and caregivers, how are we to navigate this new and wild world?

Kids on iPad
Lisa Guernsey, a digital literacy expert, suggests we focus on the three C's: content, context and the individual child. By this, Lisa means consider your child, the content of the digital media and the context within which your child will use the media.
When choosing Story Apps it is important to explore the app on your own before you explore it with your child. Look for high quality apps that don't have advertising or games that may interrupt the narrative of the story. The apps should invoke the 5 early literacy practices of Ready for Reading -  helping you and your child write, read, play, sing and talk together. 
The best way to enhance the reading and learning experience is for adults to sit and engage with their child and the digital media. Adults are the best kind of “interactive media” when it comes to kids! 
Mom and Kid on iPad
Here are some suggestions for super Story Book App's you can share with your young child: 


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