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Let's talk about our city and its key players

May 25, 2013 | Sephora | Comments (1)

Better yet, come listen to Ed Keenan talk about the city and its key players. Ed Keenan is an eight-time National Magazine Award finalist and the Senior Editor of Toronto's weekly paper, The Grid.  As part of the Eh List Author's Series, Barbara Frum branch is excited to present:



Ed Keenan

"Some Great Idea"

Thursday, May 30, 2013

7:00 - 8:15 p.m.

3rd Floor Auditorium


Ed Keenan's book Some great idea: good neighbourhoods, crazy politics and the invention of Toronto is available through the Toronto Public library website, and also available for download in ebook formatYou can also read a review of his book from the National Post here.

In his critical examination of the 'Mega-city' and its key players, Keenan asks, among other questions: "Is a city bigger than its mayor?" Come out and join the conversation!                                             


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