TD Summer Reading Club Halftime!
August 10, 2015 | Kate | Comments (0)
We're into August and more than half-way through the TD Summer Reading Club! Here's a little bit about how we've been doing at the Albert Campbell Branch.
I'm sure you all know how the TD SRC works by now, but in case you don't, here's a recap - read a book, answer a question, get a sticker. Here at Albert Campbell, you can find out what question you have to answer by throwing these:
Here's where they can typically be found, because it's way more fun to roll them on the ground!
July has been a good month for book reporting. Lots of kids are coming in to roll the dice and tell us about their books, and we've also had some great written book reports that we've displayed for all to see!
And it's not just book reporting here at Albert Campbell; we also have programs every day of the week!
Mondays and Saturdays: Family storytimes at 10am
Tuesdays: Senior TD Summer Reading Club activities at 2pm
Wednesdays: Junior TD Summer Reading Club activities at 2pm
Thursdays: Fun Family Films at 2pm and Pyjama Time stories at 7pm
Fridays: Board games and Lego at 2pm
Phew! If that's not enough, you can join us on Wednesday, August 26th at 7pm for our TD Summer Reading Club finale, a puppet show with The Purple Pirate!
I'll leave you with a couple photos of the awesome things that are being created during our Lego and board games program - hopefully you'll be inspired to come in and add your own creation!